November 30, 2023

6 Strategies for Preventing Volunteer Burnout

Nonprofit Trends

For many organizations, volunteers are an important part of day-to-day activities. But how do you keep volunteers interested and engaged with the work?

Here are six strategies suggested by Eventgroove:

  • Develop growth in volunteer roles
  • Offer leadership opportunities
  • Regularly recognize their efforts
  • Engage technology
  • Connect with your volunteers
  • Create a volunteer management program

Why This Matters

The Canadian Knowledge Hub for Giving and Volunteering says that most volunteers become involved with an organization because they want to improve their health or sense of well-being.

So while people want to help with causes they care about, it’s not only for the organization’s benefit. If a volunteer feels as though they are not appreciated, recognized, or challenged, then over time they will lose interest and become disengaged.

Without volunteers, many nonprofits and charities would struggle to get work done, so paying attention to your volunteers and finding ways to continually inspire and engage them will benefit your organization in the long run.

Next Step

Click here to read further about how to prevent volunteer burnout and consider if there are any strategies your organization should adopt to keep your own volunteers engaged and interested.