October 11, 2024

The Biggest Decision

A Thanksgiving Message

I’m confident that those reading our weekly Eagle’s Perspective articles are people who value thankfulness. You already live with a sense of gratitude, often expressing appreciation to those who serve and support you in everyday life. You take time to thank God for His provisions, recognizing the many good gifts He has given you.

But, if you’re anything like me, you’ve come to realize that the biggest decision we face is choosing to be thankful when life doesn’t go as planned—when we encounter hardship, loss, or sadness. In those moments, being thankful doesn’t come naturally. It’s not instinctive to “give thanks” when everything seems to be falling apart.

We know, intellectually, that we should give thanks in all things. We know God is in control, and that He has a plan for our lives. But when times are tough, do we truly feel thankful? The hardest decision I make, again and again, is to choose gratitude in moments when I don’t feel thankful at all.

Circumstances weigh heavily on us, affecting every fiber of our being, and it’s during those unknown, difficult journeys we find it hardest to say, “thank you.” And yet, it is precisely in those moments that gratitude becomes a decision—one not based on feelings but on faith. We choose to thank God for what we have and who He is, even as we face uncertainty.

It’s easy to focus on finding silver linings or looking for the “positive” in challenging situations, and while that can help, I believe true thankfulness runs deeper. It’s about trusting God so fully that we can thank Him not only for the good things, but also for the difficult, painful things—those moments that stretch and challenge us. This kind of gratitude requires an authentic relationship with God, one that transcends human understanding. It means surrendering fully to His will, even when it’s hard to comprehend.

While being thankful for circumstances is indeed a significant decision, the biggest decision any of us will ever make is to follow Jesus. We’ve been given the greatest gift imaginable, and all He asks is that we receive it with a grateful heart.

As we approach Thanksgiving—whether this weekend in Canada or next month in the U.S.—I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for each of you. Thank you for journeying with us as we seek to share messages that bring hope and transformation to people’s lives. We are on this journey together, and for that, I am deeply grateful.

This season of thanksgiving is a wonderful reminder to pause and reflect on what it means to truly be thankful. And, ultimately, the best decision we will ever make is to live in gratitude for the gift of Jesus Christ.

Catherine Robertson
President | catherine@eaglecom.ca