Digital Trends
In the simplest terms, a dedicated landing page is focused on one clear call to action, which encourages visitors to complete a specific action. This could be anything from signing up for a newsletter to donating. When creating your next landing page, here are some best practices to consider from Toptal:
- Publish relevant content
- Write concise and compelling copy
- Illustrate impact
- Enable conversion
- Accommodate skimmers
- Stay on brand
Why This Matters
Whether your main acquisition channels are terrestrial television, broadcast media, email, paid advertising or something else entirely, there’s a good chance you’re driving online traffic to a particular landing page where you’re hoping visitors will take a specific action. There are many benefits to a well-designed landing page. It can help widen your organization’s reach, encourage connection and inspire donations.
Next Step
Read the article and consider which landing page optimization best practices your organization should employ.