Come as You Are…
It was still late November, but after American Thanksgiving and so my local radio station had moved to an “all-Christmas” music format. I happen to be one who likes an infusion of Christmas songs for a month!
As I drove along, I was startled to hear “Oh come all ye UNFAITHFUL…”. Apparently, this song was released a number of years ago, but for some reason, I don’t recall ever hearing it before this year.
While we enjoy singing and humming along to the familiar Christmas songs, it’s easy not to notice the words or think about their meaning. But on that day, I couldn’t help but notice the twist on a well-known carol.
The song gently calls everyone to come – the broken, the weak, the unstable, those who are hurting and disappointed, the desperate, the sinner and those with burdens. Isn’t that each of us, at one time or another?
I don’t need to be perfect, cleaned up, organized, strong, stable, peace-filled, happy, content, and good to approach Christ. In fact, I get to come, just as I am.
And I’m promised to be loved and carried. I get to lay every burden at His feet. Jesus wants my hands to be free to take up His mercy and grace and find true rest. He wants me to experience the hope that the birth of Jesus brings to the world. To all of us.
This is encouraging. This is exciting. This is true.
We often hear how Christmas is for children. I believe this is especially true…not because we are under ten, but because we are all children of God and He invites us to come to Him in the same way as a child would trust His father. With nothing to offer but our heart, we are invited to come…just as we are.
May you experience a meaningful Christmas and as you listen to songs and carols, I pray you hear some phrases that speak directly to your heart. God has a message for each of us!
Listen to “Come All Ye Unfaithful”
Catherine Robertson
President |