Eagle’s Perspective

Time Zone Bias and Remote Workers

Workplace Trends For all the positive aspects of remote working—living in less expensive cities, no commuting, relaxed dress code—there are drawbacks as well. A recent article from Business Insider points to time-zone bias and proximity prejudice as two ways remote workers are sometimes discriminated against. Some employees express feelings of exploitation, citing expectations of being

Time Zones

Younger Workers Prioritize Career Growth and Wellbeing

Business Trends New data from Gallup reports that younger workers are overall more stressed and experiencing work-related burnout more than older generations. “This should concern leaders. Stress and burnout influence job performance and long-term career growth. In addition, burnout is correlated with physical health risks and poor personal relationships. Employees who experience burnout a lot

What Motivates High-Earners to Give?

Giving Trends Barna set out to better understand what motivates people to give to charities. As part of their study, they looked at U.S. adults whose annual income is $300,000 or more and asked them to reflect on their giving practices in 2021. There were three notable patterns: They are aware of their influence—high-capacity givers

High Earners

Signs It’s Time to Update Your Website

Digital Trends If you’re an executive at an organization or ministry, you may feel like your media team is constantly badgering you to upgrade your website or redesign it altogether. While keeping your site updated is standard, redesigns may feel unnecessary. However, with the rate technology changes there are good reasons your team may be

New Website

Are you a Splitter or a Blender?

Workplace Trends With the uptick in hybrid and remote work, life and work are being blended more than ever before. However, blended workdays aren’t everyone’s preference, according to new research from Gallup. Workers in the United States were asked whether they preferred a job where work and life were separated, or one where work and

Are you a Splitter or a Blender?

Product Launch Tips

Commerce Trends Once you’ve launched a few products it can feel as though topics like this are “old hat,” but before you dismiss it too quickly, we’ll remind you that it’s good to revisit key marketing points and think through whether your current approach is still serving your audience and organization in the best way

Product Launch Tips

Teen Life on Social Media

Social Media Trends The hyperconnected nature of social media has led to concerns about its negative impact on teenagers’ mental health. However, despite the drama and chaos social media can create, teens report that these platforms help strengthen their friendships and offers support. Here are a few of the key findings from Pew Research Center’s

Life of Teens

The HOW and WHY of Online Purchases

Social Media Trends One of the most popular hashtags on social media right now is #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt. This hashtag focuses on peer reviews and its virality has been directly responsible for products flying off the shelves of retailers across the continent. A recent report from Pew Research Center about online shopping habits reported more than 30%


The Importance of Colour Psychology in Marketing

Marketing Trends In the commerce world, buying decisions are believed to be heavily influenced by branding, and colour (also known as “color” by our American friends) psychology plays an important role in effective branding. Marketers believe consumers consider colour more than any other factor when making a purchase (either consciously or unconsciously), so choosing the
