Eagle’s Perspective

Christians are More Reserved About AI than Others

Technology Trends When it comes to artificial intelligence (AI), people are on the fence. In a recent survey about AI, Barna Research learned that 29% of U.S. adults don’t trust it, 35% are curious about it, and 21% are fascinated by it. Christians are even more reserved in their views towards AI. They are less

Google Introduces “Follow” Button in Search

Search Trends Google has started rolling out a new “Follow” button which aims to help users stay connected with topics they are interested in searching again There will also be an option to enable notifications from the Google App so users can be alerted whenever there is new content on that topic. Why This Matters

Why What Your Staff Thinks Matters

Leadership Trends In November, Gallup released data indicating that 25% of employees believe their opinions count at work. This means the majority do not feel like their ideas or suggestions are heard or listened to. Asking for employee input into various organizational initiatives is a good way to show staff members you care about them

Every Generation Considers Themselves the Most Generous

Giving Trends Would you consider yourself a generous person? How about your generation? Do you think they’re generous as a whole? As part of their research into A New Era of Giving, Barna recently released an interesting report about how the different generations view themselves (and each other) when it comes to generosity. In general,

To Do, or To Be?

A new year always sparks conversations about goals and resolutions, with the belief that things can be accomplished and even changed. Out comes the paper (or online platform) to help us make the “list”! What can I DO to achieve my goals? I am probably not alone in saying that I am a “to-do” list

So, What’s Different? A Christmas Message

For over six decades, I’ve had the privilege of hearing and reading outstanding messages about the wonder of Christmas, the reason for the season, and the true meaning of a gift. Wise men and women have expressed their thoughts and have caused me to think more deeply about this festive time of year. And so,

Broadcast Channels Now Available on Facebook

Social Media Trends For the past few weeks, Meta has been rolling out broadcast channels to Facebook and Messenger content creators. This one-to-many messaging feature is a throwback to more traditional broadcasting with a twist—while messages can only be sent from the channel creator, followers can engage with the text, photos, video, voice notes, or

Why Website Accessibility Matters

Digital Trends Aside from allowing more people to access and use your website, there are many benefits for ensuring your website is accessible. Here are a few: Larger user base Potential revenue increase Higher search engine rankings Community building Meeting legal compliance In the United States, it’s reported that 27% of the population lives with

6 Strategies for Preventing Volunteer Burnout

Nonprofit Trends For many organizations, volunteers are an important part of day-to-day activities. But how do you keep volunteers interested and engaged with the work? Here are six strategies suggested by Eventgroove: Develop growth in volunteer roles Offer leadership opportunities Regularly recognize their efforts Engage technology Connect with your volunteers Create a volunteer management program