
Nonprofit Digital Benchmarks

Digital Trends What do you get when you review the impact of five billion email messages, $1 billion in donations, $100 million in digital ad spending, and millions of social media interactions? The 2021 edition of the annual M+R Benchmarks Study of nonprofit digital programs. Here are just a few of the key takeaways: Overall

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Study: Overcoming Barriers To Giving

Giving Trends In a survey of more than 3,200 people, Fidelity Charitable discovered two important metrics when it comes to what holds donors back from giving. Over 70% of respondents said they would give more if their finances allowed. However, a surprising 65% said they would give more if they knew the impact of their

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The Impact of Sleep on Charitable Giving

Giving Trends A recent study by Casper-Gallup looked at the state of sleep among Americans. One notable result from this survey was the relationship between sleep and charitable activities. Those who say their sleep was generally “excellent” or “very good” over the past 30 days were more likely to report having donated to charity, volunteered

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How to Reach Your Donors

Donor Trends How are donors hearing about new causes? Classy, an online fundraising platform, has gathered generational data and created a reference guide to assist you in better understanding your donors. Why This Matters Data helps organizations better understand who is most likely to give to their mission, can inform messaging, and help determine which

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